This little light of mine….
Didn’t always shine so bright. There were dark days and deep depressions. I battled with addictions, homelessness, and all manners of abuse. I had lost my sparkle, to be honest I am not sure I ever knew I even had it. It took quite a bit of work and even more faith to spark the fire in my heart and to see that I do have something to offer the world.
Somewhere in the struggle to recover my sparkle it was revealed to me that every being on this planet is not only deserving of love but is actually loved. Whether by family or friends, perhaps their love is unrequited or even star crossed, but love touches us all. It dawned on me that with that much love flowing around it was possible to tap into it. That it was actually possible to LOVE everyone.
Once that became evident I started to see the sparkling potential in all people. I wanted to let people know that they were loved and that their lovability was noticed. I noticed their shine and wanted to strengthen it. Or if they were low as I had been, I wanted to remind them of it. Empower it. If all those glittering spots of light were brightened and connected we could change the world.
It was at that point that my life changed. I began a journey to educate myself on mental health, suicide, addiction and how to combat those things. I challenged myself to learn all I could whether by taking courses, volunteering, or just simply speaking to others about their experiences. I became a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practitioner, a Mindfulness practitioner and Life Coach. As a public speaker and mental health advocate I help others to overcome stigma and personal shame to learn how to use their voice to make changes in their lives, communities and local governments. Helping others to find their voice is my passion and I am glad to welcome you into my heart.
Always Sparkling,