There is something special about everyone. Something that makes them shine. It may be the crossing guard at school who watches over the distance between stop signs like a spot that always remembers your drink and your name. Big or small those acts of kindness shine. We need more of that.
Sometimes there are those whose sparkle has lost its sheen. They are hurting, helpless or hopeless. Through a gentle reminder, they too may find that spark within again. We need to nurture each other in those dark days. We can’t know how a small act of kindness may help someone in need.
So that’s our purpose.
The Sparkle Cards are a way to let those around you know that you notice them. That you appreciate what they do for you. Hand them to friends, family, strangers that make an impact on your day to day life. Celebrate the little things like a stranger holding a door open, that teacher who takes the extra time, your mom for everything, ever!
Lets celebrate the sparkle! Every one of those people deserve to know that they brought a shine to your day. The way we see it, the more we remind each other that we brighten each other lives the more connected we all become. So send me a message with your mailing address and I will send you some Sparkle Cards!