Nearly a decade ago a bubbly, voluptuous sex pot was hired into the department I worked in and I was immediately smitten. We were mutually drawn to the opposite-ness of each other, I to her round feminine curves so soft and welcoming, she to my tall thin blondness. She joked about what she would do if she had my body… Read More

Years ago I was at the mall waiting for the elevator from the interior of the shopping center to the parking garage. As I stood there, a woman and (I assume) her daughter, who looked about 8, came up to wait with me. The woman was pinching the girls arm and berating her. She spoke in heavily accented English but even… Read More

I was running late for work as usual. Rushing to grab my purse & coat and get to my car, knowing that I was only going to be stopped by traffic causing further delay. I rushed down the street, barely noticing a van parked on the street unloading what looked to be a Mariachi band, they were pulling instruments out… Read More

There is a scarf on the stair railing. Well it’s not really a railing, it is more like a shelf. Where the stair steps are hidden behind a pony wall that’s been topped with a thin board and finished with molding with a chip gouged in it that exposes the layers of years of paint as renters have moved in and out. It… Read More

It was one of those days Any one who has ever held a job has had one of those days. You know the ones I’m talking about where the phone rings off the hook and the emails pour in like salt on a wound but the much needed answers for those emails are no where to be found. The ones… Read More

I think the biggest part of the magic of the Universe is just remembering the details. In the movie “Groundhogs Day” Bill Murray has a line where he observes, “Maybe God has just been around a long time and so He knows everything.” Sometimes It feels like that when the dots connect for me. When I am really tuned in… Read More