Apparently there was a secret meeting to vote on all the duties I should or would be responsible for in life. From what I can tell this meeting discussed at length the roles I would be responsible for filling, as a mother, a wife, an employee. Unfortunately, my invitation to this meeting must have gotten lost among Sunday mailers… Read More

Changes are brewing. Pimples are popping up. Emotions are rising and falling with the moon and the tides. My darling daughter turns 12 in a few months. She just entered Junior High and unbeknownst to her, she is standing on the precipice of the rest of her life. Her hormones, her likes, her loves all changing as often as her… Read More

When I was much younger my parents were heavily involved in Vietnam Veterans support groups. My dad being a Vet and my mom being appalled at the treatment the vets had received coming home. They would take us to Veterans rally’s and flag raising ceremonies. One of their groups even had a “POW cage” they took to events. It was… Read More

I am not usually one for these type of witty worded signs. Most are so cheesy and saccharine that my immediate reaction is a heavy eye roll followed by my index finger pointed into my mouth in an exaggerating a gag. You know, the universal sign for BARF. This one however, this one got me. This is a sign any… Read More

I have previously posted (here) about my beautiful friend Dee and the stories of our first born boys and new baby girls and, as I previously posted, there was more to the story. There comes a time in every woman’s life when she is done with makin’ babies. For some it’s over before it even began, choosing not to ever have… Read More

Parents can often be tormentors, well meaning, good intentioned, hopeful, but tormentors none the less. When my son was a toddler I would often sing the chorus of this song when he wanted something that was just not doable for whatever the reason was. I sang and he hated it. Much like I hated his whining over said item. Turnabout is… Read More