Like most of us, my childhood was steeped in Disney animation. Maybe it was due to my geographic proximity to the Happiest Place on Earth, perhaps it was my late 70’s date of birth and the explosion of animated Disney movies during the few decades that preceded my arrival. Whatever the reason I watched them all. I loved them all. Especially… Read More

There are days you look forward to. They are marked on calendars; they are circled in red. They are planned in advance, dreamed of, and anxiously awaited. There are due dates, wedding days, and birthday party days. There are graduation and retirement days. In some cases elaborate invitations are sent and there is an expectation of greatness to come. Then… Read More

Why bother? Why bother cleaning up when no one appreciates it, notices or says thanks? Why bother fighting with my husband for the 400th time about the same dang thing? Why bother telling my kids to brush their teeth, clean up after the animals, do their homework? Why bother getting upset about the treatment of those minorities? Why bother worrying… Read More

There seems to be a lot of people searching for God. There seems to be a lot of people who claim they know God and are the only true believers. There seems to be a lot of bull shit out there about God. There seems to be a lot of bullshit spewed in the name of God. When I found… Read More

What you give, you get. What goes around, comes around. Pay it forward. You reap what you sow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’ve heard it all before. I have said it all before. I stress it to my kids, my self, the dog. Well, truthfully the dog doesn’t need reminders, he totally gets it. The rest of us though can use… Read More

I have a job. At that job they expect me to show up, like every day! Or at least 5 out of 7. Although most days, specifically days like today, I try not to remember that once upon a time I wished for this job. Not just a job but this exact job. I clearly recall saying a prayer for… Read More