To dye for…. I dyed my hair again last week. The color is amazing and I love it. It’s peach and blonde and looks like Sherbert melted. It is shiny in pictures which is the only thing important these days. My hair has been nearly every color under the sun; Black, platinum blonde, red, pink, purple, green, brunette, ash blonde,… Read More

Lucky Numbers Fourteen is a lucky number in our house. It is our family number. Fourteen is the number Jeff wore on his baseball jerseys, just as Ethan did. It’s the number Ollie wears on her softball jerseys as well. How old was I when I first met Jeff? You guessed it, fourteen. Today is fourteen for me. Fourteen years… Read More

September is upon us. In other parts of the country the weather is getting colder, states where leaves are starting to change, fall is coming. Here in sunny sweltery So Cal we are facing a triple digit heatwave as our kiddos head back to school. Last school year, starting in about October and continuing through the Spring my sweet little… Read More

My husband and I finally succumbed to tradition. We packed up our kids and headed to the most time-honored family vacation of all American family vacations; The Grand Canyon. Short and jam-packed our trip itinerary was to drive to Williams, AZ stay the night, train to the Canyon, tour, sleep over, sight see, train back to Williams, home. (Well, we… Read More

My grandmother died. I know that’s a thing. It happens. Grandparents die. Probably everyday. It was inevitable. She was 97. N-I-N-E-T-Y S-E-V-E-N That’s a good long life. In fact she had just turned 97, a week and a day before she passed. A week and a day and I didn’t call her to say Happy Birthday. I know. I am… Read More

Parks & Rec and permits Recently I had some business at the local Parks & Rec office. Ollie’s birthday party required a permit for public gatherings and the office is in the park directly across from our house. Heading over I found a note that said the office was closed and the staff relocated to the Senior Center just north… Read More